If you have a performance clutch in your beloved NC, then it is only a matter of time before you hear the "SQUEAK OF DEATH" from under the dash when you press the clutch pedal. This is a sign that you have a fractured clutch pedal bracket. This also means your days of care free top down driving are about to be limited until you fix the problem!
The MX5 NC has a few weak points, and this is one of the best know of those weak points. Even stock cars have been known to develop this issue with higher mileage, and those cars with a "performance" clutch assembly are almost guaranteed to need a new pedal assembly at some point down the line.
The factory pedal assembly is not expensive, and you could replace it and go on your way,,,,,,,,,for a while, but the hassle and down time of doing a pedal box replacement more than once is likely to make a preacher cuss. So why not solve the problem the first time and never worry about it again? Unless you enjoy being upside down under the dash???
The solution for this well known problem is not new. There have been bracket reinforcement kits around for quite some time. We have used several designs produced by vendors in Asia here in our shop. And while they all worked, all had little issues that we did not like. Material grade, thickness and even cut quality of the brackets on the market sort of left us a bit less than impressed. And the retail price for these kits also left a bit to be desired.
To that end, we decided to improve and manufacture our own kits with our material specs. And a fraction of the retail price!
This is the same kit we use in our shop, and for the complete upgraded pedal assembly available on the webstore. Prefect for the DIT guys, or folks that want to save their current pedal assembly and don't need the complete upgraded pedal assembly from us.