Tuning file written for your car, your fuel, and your driving style.
Bench Flash Tuning files are designed for your vehicle, and your regions top shelf, premium fuel. These files are based on years of tuning experience on each platform that we support. They are designed for a stock, or near stock vehicle, and are intended as a first step on your tuning journey. If you modifications such as CAI, or header( Normal Atmospheric), or turbo changes, and downpipe, you will need a custom tuning solution.
Normal power gains for a bench tune are in the 8-10% range.
Once you make your selections, and your purchase, remove your ECU, and carefully package it to ship. Please make sure to wrap your unit in a bubble wrap bag. Ship to;
204 Sage Parkway
Marion, Texas 78124
Attn; Bench Flash Department
Please include a copy of your printed invoice, and your daytime contact information. An email will be sent when the unit arrives, and when it is shipped out with your tracking information.
Please remember to ship your ECU insured and with a tracking number.